We were hired to develop the brand and create an authentic, welcoming experience in order to set this pharmacy apart from its competition and appeal to both a young and old demographic. We created both the brand, interior, and exterior murals and window treatments. Employing a hand selected group of talented we were able to provide many unique and one of a kind elements for the project. One of the features of the MA is the pharmacy bar, where we’ve created an apothecary cabinet with murphy doors. What appears to be shelving are actually two doors that allow quick, easy and yet secure access to medicines. Working with Jordan and Cora from Fiddle & Hammer, we acquired hand aged mirrors for our custom design/built apothecary cabinet. We worked with the talented Adam from Nilson Studios creating a warm inviting Grecian faux finish to the interior walls. Another feature of the MA is a museum’s collection of vintage apothecary medicines and equipment dating from the early 19th century thru 1840. You’ll also see hand made terrariums from local artist Jonathan Warobrick. The window gold gilding and many other hand painted/lettered elements were done by Dean of Tawwater Sign Co. in Kenosha.
Brand Developement
Logo Design
Interior Design
(Picker Finds)
The Mingadigm presents The Modern Apothecary, a vintage styled, modern pharmacy. More information as we finish up this Vintage Future project.
More information – here